The Competition

The Earth Prize is a $100,000 environmental sustainability competition for teenage students everywhere. The Earth Prize will recognize the students and schools with the best solutions to accelerate positive change towards environmental sustainability, as judged by The Earth Prize Adjudicating Panel.



Registration is open from September
1st until November 30th.

Fill out the online registration form to get access to My Earth Prize Platform, where you will have access to our exclusive content and mentoring

Make sure your Supervisor registers too and creates your team on the Submissions Portal

Complete the necessary team information and get thinking!


Participants must have been born between 2005 and 2011 and be registered in a school or educational program.



1st Sept - 30th Nov 2024

Start your journey by completing the online registration form on The Earth Prize website. Registration is open from September 1st, 2024 until November 30th, 2024.
Get your Supervisor on board
Once you have registered, make sure that a teacher, a school administrator or a volunteer from The Earth Foundation you nominated as your Supervisor registers too. Teachers are allowed to supervise multiple teams.
Form your team
It is your choice to fly solo or as part of a dream team. You can gather up to five students from any class or grade in your school, or enter as an individual.

When you and your team members have registered individually online, your Supervisor can create the team on The Earth Prize Submissions Portal and invite each team member to join.
Spark imagination
Our learning content will provide knowledge, inspiration and tools. All The Earth Prize Participants can watch them on demand. Learn more about the world’s current environmental challenges and hear directly from people whose ideas have had a positive impact. Get the inspiration and skills you need to get thinking.
Learn more
Get started
We are looking for ideas that tackle environmental challenges and accelerate positive change. Find an issue you are passionate about and figure out how you could solve it - and then tell us all about it.

Head over to the Submissions Portal to complete your first tasks!


1st Dec - 31st Jan 2025

Fresh ideas
Now you can submit your Fresh Idea: your proposed solution to tackle an important environmental challenge. Remember, The Earth Prize will consider a wide range of projects: local, national and global in scope; new ideas and existing student projects; in the form of organizations, enterprises and campaigns.
Do you have a question? Is something unclear? Do you need guidance? Throughout the competition, university students passionate about sustainability and entrepreneurship will provide guidance and advice to students through The Earth Prize Mentorship Portal.


14th Feb 2025

The strongest Fresh Ideas from each Region will be awarded The Earth Prize Scholars distinction, which recognizes submissions of outstanding quality.

Regional Winner Phase

28th Feb - 3rd Apr 2025

Final idea
The top 5 Earth Prize Scholar teams - 1 team from each Region - will be invited onto the Regional Winner Phase, where they will continue to receive the support from their assigned The Earth Prize Mentors to complete their Final Idea.
As one of the 5 Finalists, your team will be assigned an Earth Prize Ambassador who will advise you on how to increase the impact of your idea and help people hear about it.
The Adjudicating Panel
Your ideas will be reviewed by The Earth Prize Adjudicating Panel, a group of world-renowned experts who will be in charge of selecting The Earth Prize Regional Winners and The The Earth Prize Global Winner.


22nd Apr 2025

The prize money is split as follows:
  • The 7 Regional Winners will each be awarded 12,500 USD to implement their project.
  • The 3 Earth Prize Educators of the Years will each be awarded 2,500 USD.
  • $2,500 for each of the 3 Mentors of the Year.

Note: Important parameters apply. Please read The Earth Prize Official Rules for more details.
Educator of the Year
3 teachers and/or educators who has made an outstanding contribution to education, as determined by The Earth Foundation’s Advisor, Professor Mario Salomone, will be recognized as The Earth Prize Educators of the Year and awarded a $2,500 prize each.
Mentor of the Year
3 best Mentors, as voted by The Earth Prize Participants, will be recognized as The Earth Prize Mentor of the Year and awarded a $2,500 prize each.
The Earth Prize Global Winner
The Earth Prize Global Winner will be selected through a public votation.

Do you still have questions?



All teams that have successfully submitted their Problem Definition and Motivation Statement will automatically enter the Submissions Phase of the competition.


At the Submissions Phase, the Fresh Idea will be evaluated according to the following criteria:


The Fresh Idea takes into account the essential steps needed to bring the solution to life and demonstrates awareness of potential obstacles for the implementation of the solution for a prolonged period of time.


The proposed solution - or any of the elements of its implementation process - is unique (it does not exist and it has not been proposed already by anyone else) and disruptive. The project differentiates itself from any other idea/initiative in the identified environmental sustainability context by at least one distinctive feature that defines the project’s impact potential.


The Fresh Idea takes into account the possibility for the team or other individuals to replicate or adapt the idea in a different geographical location to serve a larger or a new target and whether there is a real-life need for the solution elsewhere.


The Fresh Idea demonstrates that the proposed solution is needed and applicable to the selected geographical setting. If the solution has potential to be scaled up, it can be adapted according to the needs of different regions and customized for new target users.

Inspirational Impact

The Fresh Idea demonstrates the ability to raise awareness about the team's identified environmental problem and to inspire others within their community or elsewhere.


At the Finalists Phase, the ten selected Finalists’ submissions will be evaluated by the Adjudicating Panel. Each of the 4 submissions will be evaluated using specific criteria and weighting.


Final idea

The Adjudicating Panel’s evaluation of the pitch video will taking into account the following aspects:

  • Applicability
  • Innovativeness
  • Inspirational Impact
  • Relevance
  • Scalability


Presentation of the Final Idea to the Adjudicating Panel

The Panel’s evaluation will take into account the following aspects:

  • Clarity and structure of the presentation
  • Content of the presentation
  • Strength of argumentation and use of supporting evidence
  • Consistency between written Final Idea and presentation


Q&A session

The Panel’s evaluation of the live Q&A will take into account the following aspects:

  • Ability to answer the questions in a clear manner
  • Ability to draw on knowledge from the presentation (and beyond)
  • Ability to think on your feet


The Pitch Video

The Adjudicating Panel’s evaluation of the pitch video will taking into account the following aspects:

  • How clearly the video explains the problem, solution, and impact of their Idea
  • How logically the information presented in the video flows
  • How well the video draws in the audience


Social media campaign

No weighting will be given for the Social Media Engagement Campaign. However, it might be taken into consideration in case of a tie between two or more Finalist teams.


Karen Wilson

Chair of the Panel

Karen Wilson is the Founder of GV Partners and an expert on innovation, entrepreneurship, finance, sustainability and impact measurement, working with private sector firms, international organizations, foundations and academia. She is an Associate Fellow at Said Business School at Oxford University and a Senior Advisor on Sustainability and ESG at the Institute for Strategy at the Stockholm School of Economics in Riga, where she is also a Visiting Lecturer. She has a Bachelors of Science from Carnegie Mellon University and an MBA from Harvard Business School.

Count me in

Registrations for The Earth Prize 2024 have now closed. Pre-register now for the next year's edition.


Meet The Earth Prize 2024 Winners
and Runners-up


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